What Is NASA? - NASA's Founding, History And The Main Work Done By It!

What Is NASA?  - NASA's founding, history and the main work done by it!

 NASA has about 18000 employees and scientists, of which about 36 percent of NASA scientists are of Indian and Indian origin.

 The question in everyone's mind is what are the stars, what is the universe like, how is the world outside the earth and everybody wants to know what is behind these clouds, is there anyone living in space or is there also  We can live life.

 Everyone is interested to know about Space.  Increasing technology and the information of space obtained from new experiments everyday makes us more eager to know about it.  In order to find answers to many of our similar questions, an institution was established by the United States called NASA.

 In our country too, Indian Space Research Institute ISRO (ISRO) has been established to carry out such tasks.  The task of these two is to know about the answers to many questions related to Space and to know about the happenings in Space.  You must have read or heard about these institutions in newspapers many times.  Today we are going to make you available to NASA Ke Baare Mein Jankari through this post of ours.

What Is NASA

 NASA is an independent branch of the United States, formed on July 19, 1958, in place of its former official body, the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, taking into account national aeronautics and space aeronautics.  NASA's main function is to conduct research about space programs and aeronautics.


 Since February 2006, NASA aims to increase future space research and scientific discoveries such as aeronautics and aerospace.  On 14 September 2011, NASA announced that they had chosen a new space design system, which would enable astronauts to travel more distances in space.

 NASA has full form  National Aeronautical and Space Administration.

 Much of space exploration in the US has been under the leadership of NASA since NASA's inception, which included many major tasks such as the Apollo probe landing on the moon, Skylab station and space shuttle.

 The current time is NASA 

 Currently, NASA is supporting the International Space Station, as well as supporting the construction and development of the Orion Multipurpose-crew Vehicle, The Space Launch System and Commercial Crew Vehicle.

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 NASA'S Establishment

 NASA is considered the world's largest and most successful space agency.  NASA has achieved the greatest milestone in the field of space, whether it is about going to the moon or on Mars, NASA has established its success by going to the biggest planets and satellites in space.  NASA Research has made iron all over the world.

 Experts say that the idea of ​​NASA The establishment came from the steady rise of the United States in the field of space.  Only after its inception, NASA successfully tested its first satellite 'Explore 1'.

 NASA was founded in 1958 by the then US President Dwight D. Eisenhower.  It is headquartered in Washington DC, which employs about 18000 employees and scientists, and you will be surprised to know that at the same time, about 36 percent of NASA scientists are NASA and Indian origin.

 NASA History 

 Now we have provided you the information about the establishment of NASA above.  Now let us take a look at NASA History.  The National Aeronautic Space Act was formulated on July 29, 1958 for the establishment of NASA, which was signed and passed by then US President Dwight D. Eisenhower.

 Prior to NASA's founding, all space programs in the United States of America were conducted by the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA).  After the founding of NASA, NACA was discontinued and incorporated into NASA itself.

 With the merger of NACA, 8000 employees working in it, an annual budget of US $ 100 million, three main research laboratories like Aeronautical Laboratory, Aeronautics Laboratory and Louis Flight Pranodaya Laboratory and two small test laboratories were also merged with NASA.

 What does NASA do

 As we have told you, NASA carries out new experiments and discoveries related to space every day.  From the founding of NASA till date, NASA has done many big experiments.  NASA has made the impossible possible, which the world had never thought of.  Below are shown some of the main NASA Ke Prayog, which you will read and press the finger under the teeth.


 Launched in Pioneer 10 (1972) and Pioneer 11 (1973), it was the first spacecraft to travel to Jupiter and Saturn, the solar system's most photogenic gas giants.  Pioneer 10 was the first probe to travel between the asteroid belt of the solar system and the zone of orbiting rocks between Mars and Jupiter.  Then about a year and a half after its launch, this spacecraft made the first flyby of the planet Jupiter.  It also took amazingly close pictures of the Great Red Spot.

 Nearly a year after the launch of Pioneer 10, Pioneer 11 flew from Jupiter itself and flew to Saturn, where it discovered a pair of previously unknown small moons around the planet and a new ring.  Now both of them have stopped sending data, and they are traveling in space beyond their solar system.


 Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP), launched by NASA in 2001, may not be as well-known, but it measures the temperature of radiation emitted from the Big Bang with unprecedented accuracy.  It has taken man a step further in acquiring cosmological theories about the nature and origin of the universe, by mapping the fluctuations in cosmic microwave background radiation.

 According to other revelations, WMAP data gave a more accurate estimate for the age of the universe at about 13.7 billion years and also confirmed that about 95 percent of the universe is made up of bad things called dark matter and dark energy.


 Shortly after Pioneer, NASA launched Voyager 1 and Voyager 2.  He made several important discoveries about Jupiter and Saturn, including the rings around Jupiter and the presence of Iowa on Jupiter's moon.  Voyager also made the world's first flight to Uranus.  It discovered 10 new moons there and also collected information about Neptune, where it was found that Neptune actually weighs a lot less than astronomers had anticipated.

 Both Voyager Crafts have sufficient power to transmit radio signals until at least 2025, and are now tracing the very edge of the solar system and the beginning of interstellar space.  Voyager 2 is currently the farthest man-made object from Earth, currently more than a hundred times the distance of the Sun from Earth and more than double that of Pluto from Earth.


 The Hubble Space Telescope is the most acclaimed and recognized worldwide among all NASA spacecraft.  Its pictures have forced people everyday to know more about the universe.  This observatory has fundamentally changed science as well and with its help a lot of calculations can be done on astronomical issues.  NASA has developed an instrument that can reveal stars, planets, nebulae, and galaxies in full detail to us by sending an optical telescope beyond the Turbulent Atmosphere to the Earth's end in the sky.

 Spirit & Opportunity

 Built for a mission of just 90 days, these Mars rovers have pushed themselves far into the world of science, and are still fleeing the Red Planet more than five years after landing.  The twin Mars Exploration Rovers, named Spirit & Opportunity, landed on the opposite side of the planet in January 2004, and have since been traveling across the surface of Mars unemployed in craters and hills.  The major discoveries of those rovers have found evidence that at one time there was liquid water on the surface of Mars.


 Now we will talk about NASA's best space science mission and it is a matter of pride that the credit for this mission goes not to machine but to man.  In this mission, not only humans were sent to the Moon for human history, but the Apollo voyage was used for the first time by humans to bring any celestial goods to Earth.  Apollo has greatly increased our scientific understanding of the Moon.

 The data collected by Apollo astronauts helped us to know how old the moon is, how much it weighs, what is made of it and how it would have started.  The crew of the Apollo 11 who made the first landing were Chief Commander Neil Armstrong, Command Module Pilot Michael Collins, and Lunar Module Pilot Buzz Aldrin.


 Today, NASA has made a distinct identity in the international space field.  NASA also works with other space agencies of the world, among which the European Space Agency, ISRO etc. are prominent.  Today we have provided you NASA Ke Bare Mein in short words but almost all the main information. If you liked NASA's information then do not forget to share it, thanks!


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