Top 10 Hackers, Whose Adventures Stunned The World

Top 10 hackers, whose adventures stunned the world

The world has changed a lot since the invention of computers and the way of working.  Now the wars in the world are fought not on the strength of weapons, but on the strength of technology.  In such a situation, if someone breaks into this technique and ruins everything?  Yes, hackers can do this.  IBN is going to tell the news about the top 10 hackers in the world, whose actions left the world stunned.

 Jonathan James

: The Internet world knows Jonathan James as 'Comrade'.  He may not be in the world today, but at the age of 15, his adventures earned him the title of greatest hacker.  It was at this young age that he acquired the power to destroy the American government.  Jonathan had access to almost all US government databases, even, the networks of the Department of Defense and NASA were not out of his reach.  James extracted complete information about space station operations from NASA's network.  The value of which was equal to 1.7 million dollars.  NASA was forced to shut down its network for a full 3 weeks.  Later in 2007 Jonathan was apprehended by the police and made various charges.  James denied all charges and committed suicide in 2008.

 Kevin Mitnick

The story of Kevin Mitnick becoming a computer hacker is very interesting.  Kevin has been described as the most wanted cyber criminal of US history.  Two Hollywood films have also been made on Kevin's life.  After spending three years in jail, he was released under the supervision of 3 years.  But was again sent to prison for 2.5 years because he had stolen corporate secrets as well as breaching the US National Security Alert Program.  Miknik transformed himself after spending 5 years in prison and later became a consultant.  Also started giving tips on computer security to people.  Currently Miknik is running his own company working towards cyber security.

 Albert Gonzalez

Albert Gonzalez had credit card details for half of America's population.  Albert Gonzalez earned crores by selling details of 17 million people 'credit-debit cards.  He also formed a group called ShadowQues.  Who earned a lot by selling fake passports, fake health insurance cards and fake birth certificates.  Albert Gonzalez was sentenced to two sentences of 20–20 years each after being caught, which are going on simultaneously.

 Kevin Paulson: Kevin Paulson is also known as 'Dark Dante'.  It hacked the system of a radio station and won a show.  During this, he kept all phone lines occupied for 15 minutes.  After owning a Porsche car in return for winning the show, it was noticed by the FBI.  He later attacked the FBI itself and hacked the FBI's entire system.  Not only this, Kevin Paulson hacked the entire system of a supermarket.  For this, he was sentenced to 51 months.  Kevin Paulson took journalism after his conviction and is currently a senior editor at Wired News.  Kevin Paulson later assisted the US police and was instrumental in the identification of 744 sex offenders operating on the social networking website MySpace.

 Gary Mackinnon: Gary Mackinnon became known as 'Solo' in the Internet world.  It has the status to hack the system of the largest military operation in the world.  After 13 months, he took full control of 97 computers of the US Army and NASA.  Later Gary Mackinnon said that he was only looking for ways to control UFOs and solar power.  But according to US officials, he took control of 300 computers and deleted countless highly sensitive files.  This caused the US government a loss of seven million dollars.  Gary Mackinnon has been fighting his case against the US government for 15 years.

 Jinson James Ancheta: James Ancheta is considered the master of hackers.  In 2004, Jeanson created a virus that would pass its logged-in details to hackers as soon as they entered any computer.  With the help of this virus, Jinson gained access to 5 lakh computers at home and made them accessible to other hackers.  The 10th Fell Jeanson hacked several websites from inaccessible computers and recovered money from their owners.  The FBI conducted a sting operation in 2005 to apprehend Jinson.  Her BMW car was also snatched from Jinson with a 5-year prison sentence.

 George Hotz

It would be wrong to classify George Hotz as a bad hacker.  Actually George Hotz never did hacking to harm anyone or steal credit card details.  George Hotz only discovered the shortcomings of the technology and forced the companies to rectify it.  Especially to a company like Apple.  George Hotz broke all iPhone models and printed them on his blog.  George Hotz made public the shortcomings of the iPhone, iPad as well as the iPod.  Apple later dragged George Hotz to court but the case was settled out of court.  It would not be wrong to call George Hotz a technical informer.  But good scourer.

 Adrian Lamo

Adrian Lamo's childhood was spent in childhood and adolescence.  He is also called a 'homeless hacker'.  Adrian Lamo broke into the security systems of companies like the New York Times and Microsoft.  Adrian Lamo, who lives in poverty, used to work with public Internet connections, and would sit in a coffee shop and destroy the security arrangements of big companies and alert them.  However, no company gave any help except to applaud him.  That is why he was considered a criminal.  The US court put him in a 6 month house arrest with a fine of 65 thousand dollars, as well as 2 years in probation period.  Adrian Lamo later took up the profession of journalist, as well as giving tips to people about hacking.

 Robert Tappan Morris 

Robert Tappan Morris is the son of Robert Morris, the chief scientist at the US National Computer Security Center.  He first discovered the computer virus and was also the first person to be convicted in a computer fraud case.  While studying at Cornell University, Morris discovered the Morris virus and introduced it into the computer world.  This has hurt many companies.  Robert Tappan Morris was sentenced to 3 years in prison.  Now Robert Tappan Morris teaches at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology as a professor.

 Owen Walker:

 Owen Walker became known as 'AKKIL' in the world of computer hacking.  He had formed an international group of hackers, that too before his 18th birthday.  Owen Walker built the Abbott virus to hold 13 million computers and lost $ 26 million before the 18th birthday.  The computer was automatically crashed by the Abbott virus.  The virus destroyed the computer system of the University of Pennsylvania, due to which the FBI had to run the operation in collaboration with the New Zealand government, then Owen Walker was arrested.  However, in April 2008, the court released him without conviction.  The court said that Owen Walker did not do so in view of the crime nor did he take any advantage.  He was just doing it for fun.  In such a situation, if he is punished then his future can also be ruined.  Currently Owen Walker is the head of the security division of an Australian telecommunications company.


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