Biography Of International Singer Taylor Swift

biography of International Singer Taylor swift

 Biography Desk. - Taylor Allison Swift was born in' on December 13, 1989, in Reading, Pennsylvania.  Father Scott Kingsley Swift was a financial adviser and mother Andrea Swift was a homemaker.  Taylor also has a younger brother named Austin.  Taylor did her early schooling at El Vernia Montessori School, but later her family moved to the Wyoming city of Pennsylvania.  After moving to the city, Taylor moved on from Wyoming Area High School.  She was interested in music since childhood, she also writes very well.  He also won the National Poetry Contest at the age of only

 Won Artist of the Year Award for debut album

1⃣   She used to go to New York City to learn acting and music.  Performed at local festivals and events on weekends.  Soon he had a good hold in music.  She went to a music record company, Nashville, with her mother when she was 11 years old, where she recorded her recording tapes of her songs.  But Nashville rejected him.

2️⃣. At the age of 12, he wrote his first song 'Lucky You'.  In 2003, Swift began work with New York music manager Dan Demetro.  Now Taylor's music career had begun.  The music company Nashville, who rejected him, called him and signed the contract.  She moved to Nashville with her father in office and completed her graduation.

3️⃣.  While working in Nashville, he worked with many famous musicians and singers.  During this time, she was also learning the nuances of writing.  In 2005, Swift signed a contract with 'Big Machine Records'.  Here he began work on his first studio album.

4️⃣.  On 24 October 2006, he released his debut album 'Taylor Swift'.  The album was at number five on the Billboard Top 200 list and remained on the Billboard charts for 157 weeks.  As of 2016, 7.7 million copies of the album had been sold.

5️⃣.  Taylor received several awards for her debut album, such as Artist of the Year and American Music Awards.  On November 11, 2008, his second album 'Fearless' was released.  It became the best selling album in 2009.

6️⃣. Taylor was also fond of theater and did not want to be limited to just music.  He made his film debut in 2009 with 'Valentines Day'.  She also started hosting TV shows and events.  A lot of his albums came forward and people gave more love to his every album, every song than before.  At the age of 28, she had won 10 Grammy Awards and 19 American Music Awards.


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