Thomas Edison Biography - Biography of Thomas Edison

Thomas Edison Biography - Biography of Thomas Edison

🔸 Name: Thomas Alva Edison.
🔸 Born: 11 February 1847 Milne, 🔸Ohio, United States.
 ðŸ”¸Father: Samuel Ogden Edison.
🔸 Mother: Nancy Mathieu Elliot.
 ðŸ”¸Wife: Mary Stillwell (m. 1871–84), Mina Miller (m. 1886–1931).

🔹🔹 About Read _ Who Invented The Bulb And When Did It

 ðŸ”¸Thomas Elva Edison was a great American inventor and businessman.  Edison developed a number of devices including phonographs and electric bulbs that have drastically changed people's lives around the world.  Known as the "Magician of Menlo Park", he was the first researcher to try the exploration process by applying a large production theory and a large team.  That's why Edison is credited with establishing the first industrial laboratory.  In America alone, Edison, who provided 1093 patents, is counted among the greatest inventors in the world.

 Early life:

🔸 Young Edison's mind was very confused at school and her teacher Reverend Ingley called her "distraught".  And Edison spent almost 3 months in school.  Later his mother started teaching Edison at home.  Edison spent most of his education in R.G.  From Parker School and from The Cooper Union School of Science and Art.  At the age of 12, Edison started selling the fruits and newspapers, helping the family with one dollar a day.  He used to print letters in the railways and do scientific experiments.

 ðŸ”¸By the age of 20, mastering telegraphy, Edison worked as a wire worker.  Edison used to spend the remaining time from livelihood to experiment and test.  Edison bought chemicals from a local dispensary with the total amount of savings and collected bottles, wires and other items for use.  When he was ten years old, he built a science laboratory in the ground floor of his building. Later in his life, Edison said that his mother had a great contribution in his success.  He taught himself by repeating continuous studies and experiments.  He had never taken admission in any technical school or university.  His parents had developed a tendency towards good literature and history in him.

🔸 Addison had difficulty hearing since childhood.  All this was going on since he had a high fever in his childhood and he was hurt in his right ear while recovering from it.  Since then, he had some difficulty in hearing.  During his career, he told about his illness that when he was traveling on the train, a chemical fire started, due to which he was thrown out of the train and his ear got hurt.  Only a few years later, he broke the story and created a story and told that when the conductor was helping him on the moving train, he suddenly got hurt in his ear.

🔸 Thomas Edison Edison not only did all the experiments given in the book after studying the book but also developed an interest in chemistry.  One interesting thing about Edison is that he was fired at school saying that Edison is a retard.  It was probably because of his deafness.  In reality, no one knew for sure that Edison had lost much of his hearing.  Although a story is told in this subject that Edsin's hearing capacity started to decrease after suffering from scotlet fever in childhood.

🔸 In 1869, Edison patented his first invention, the "electoral turnout".  Poor Edison showed indomitable confidence by deciding to leave the job and invent in the laboratory.  Between 1870–76 AD, Edison made several inventions.  Discovered four, six, different methods of sending messages on the same wire, improved the automatic printing machine for stock exchange, and developed the Bell Telephone machine.  He published an exploratory article on the "ethereal force" in "Scientific American" in 1875 AD;  Patented the phonograph machine in 1878 AD, which got its present form after several improvements in 2010 AD.

🔸 It was in the year 1862 that when he played his life, he saved the child of the station master from dying in a train accident.  The station master was very pleased with Edison's exploits.  He had nothing to offer as money, but he pledged to teach Edison the telegraph.  Edison learned a telegraph from this person and in 1868 he got his first patent on a telegraph.  In the same year, he invented the vote record machine.

🔸 In addition to electric lighting, Edison created and contributed to cinema, telephones, records and CDs.  All his inventions are in use today in one form or another.  Remington type Reuters was later developed based on Edison's research.  He also discovered an electric pen, which later evolved into a mimograph.  In 1889, he also developed a film camera.

🔸 On the basis of Edison's telegraphic theory, only objects like microphones and fax machines came into existence.  The carbon microphone used in the receiver of the telephone was the invention of Edison itself which continued to be used for a hundred years.  But Edison's most popular innovation is undoubtedly the Electric Bulb.

🔸 After two years of hard work, Edison succeeded in making a bulb that was inexpensive, durable and could be mass-produced industrially. This bulb used carbon filament.  Currently filament of tungsten is used.  In order to land the X-Ray radiograph, Edison invented the fluoroscope.  The same technique is currently used.

 ðŸ”¸Thomas Edison sometimes forgot to eat food after his invention, and was constantly working to complete his invention for many days. He has done more than 1000 inventions in his life, for example, in-laws.  Bulb is their most prominent invention, apart from this they also invented phonograph, harmonic telegraph, Karbonn microphone, kinetograph (first movie camera) etc. which we all  The Nte.

🔸 He is a great man, I want to teach those people whom the world speaks weakly, if it is the same with you, then wake up and show those people who call you weak because you are Thomas Addison.  Can not be made, but maybe you can also show some good logo because you are a human being, and no one is more than you, remember that you are the work of God which is most important

🔸(Thomas Alva Edison) attended Primary School.  One day came home and gave a paper to his mother and said - "This teacher has given it", reading the paper, the mother's tears welled up.  Edison asked her mother - "What is written in it mother?" The mother said by wiping tears - "It says that your son is very genius, our school is of low level, and the teacher is not very trained,  Therefore, we cannot teach it.  Now teach it yourself. ”Many years later, Mother passed away, by then Edison had become a famous scientist and had invented many great inventions such as the phonograph and the electric bulb Electric Bulb.

 ðŸ”¸One day at a leisure time, he was looking at his old memorabilia.  Then he saw an old letter in one corner of the cupboard and eagerly opened it and read it.  This was the same letter that Edison's teacher had given him in childhood.  It was written in it that your child is mentally weak (intellectually weak), do not send him to school now.  addison wept for several hours and then wrote in his diary - "A great mother made a intellectually weak child a great scientist of the century."

 idea :

 • Being busy does not always mean work.
 • If we do everything that we can, then we will really surprise ourselves.
 •  invent to you need to good imagin and a pile of garbage.
 • Show me to completely satisfied person and I will show you a failed person.
 • Among the unsuccessful people in life, there are many people who do not know how close to success they were when they gave up.
 • Whoever you are will be seen in your work.
 • We do not know anything about one millionth of 1%.
 • 5 percent of the people think, 10 percent of the people think that they think and 85 percent of the rest like to die more than they think.
 • I get my greatest happiness and my reward in that work.  Which the whole world calls success.
 • I first find out what the world needs.  Then I step towards it and try to invent it.
 • We will make electricity so cheap that only rich people will light candles.
 • Almost every person who develops an idea works on it till the time it seems impossible and then he gets frustrated


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