These are the 10 most dangerous laws of Saudi Arabia

These are the 10 most dangerous laws of Saudi Arabia

🔸 Whenever it comes to law, the name of Saudi Arabia is definitely taken.  There are some harsh laws behind this

 Whenever it comes to law, the name of Saudi Arabia is definitely taken.  There are some harsh laws behind this.  There is some special ban on women.  Men still have relief.  There are some laws in the country that you will be surprised to read.

 The 10 most stringent laws of Saudi Arabia are as follows

 1. Women in Saudi Arabia have to live in hijab all the time.  Even if a woman is raped there, that convict does not get punished unless there are four witnesses in the case.

2. In Saudi Arabia, women can not meet non-men.  Whenever the women of the place go to a public place, a male member of the house also goes with them.  Otherwise it comes under the purview of breaking the law.

 3. Saudi Arabia is one of the few countries in the world where there is a special ban on women.  If the women here go out of the house, then only their eyes and hands should be seen in the body.  Everything else is covered with hijab.

 4. Saudi Arabia comes at number four in the countries sentenced to death.  Here, in the middle of the crowd, the person is strangled to death.

 5. Saudi Arabia is considered the only country in the world where women have to get permission from husband to open a bank account.  Otherwise the account will not open.

 6. There is also a special prohibition on watching porn in Saudi Arabia.  For those caught doing this, there is a strict law under which punishment is given.

 7. here woman can fly a ship but cannot drive a car.  There is a ban on women's car driving across the country.

 8. You cannot even celebrate Valentine's Day in this country.  Shopkeepers of the country are also prohibited from keeping heart-shaped things at this time.

 9. You will be surprised to know that in the year 2012, only men used to work in the shop similar to women, but at present, this law is banned.

 10. Public hands are cut off when caught after stealing in Saudi Arabia.  So there is no theft.


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